Saturday, November 24, 2012

Blogs V.S Wikis

      Blogs, are online journals maintained by a person or a team with regular updates. They are typically meant for general consumption and are arranged in a chronological manner with the most recent blog posts on the top. Blog posts can also have the provision for readers to leave comments. Blogs are usually more informal and chatty.
      On the other hand, In the simplest form, wikis can be imagined as a notepad of easily editable website pages. Each wiki can have a specific purpose and a bunch of wiki pages that are maintained by the users of that Wiki. Wiki pages typically have comments that can be used for collaborating around that page/topic. Wikis can be used for a variety of purposes like documentation, knowledge management or just a team repository of information.
      Nytimes Business section recently wrote an article called "Walmart Taste makers" It explained how walmart now encourages it merchants to speak frankly about the products the chain carries on blogs. This type of blog, where people can rant about gadgets within a company is known as corporate blogs. Walmart wanted little-known buyers to give advice also on there blogs to help other consumers by sending out quick feedbacks of merchandise.
     Another Article in the the Nytimes Media & advertising section called "An internet Wiki" states that even in a United States embassy in Rome Wiki's are now being utilized. An assistant there writed thats its extremely efficient and saving paper is a huge reason why they incorporated the wiki system they call Diplopedia.

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