Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Privacy & Confidentiality

   New Media is helping to redefine the issues of privacy and confidentiality in various ways. Very few of us even those considering themselves internet savvy, understand just how much information we give away about ourselves through social media every day. Email solicitations show up in my email alot. This is becuase there are marketing companies that make deals with Internet service providers to tap into any information people send from their computers, be it a private post to Facebook, or an email to a lover. This could definitely be considered a breach of privacy. But this is how we are vulnerable at times due to new media.What kind of rules govern Facebook/twitter and should it have a constitution? These are questions we should have answers to. Because no one wants Social media to turn against them. Like the story I recently heared of a school firing a teacher because a friend posted a photo of the two of them drinking beer on a summer vacation in a different country. That situation looked like it definitely violated the teachers privacy. So it does look like new media's has many disadvantages when it comes to privacy & Confidentiality.

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