Saturday, November 24, 2012

Social Networking

    Beyond advertising on Facebook or Twitter, companies are using social networks to build teams that solve problems faster, share information better among their employees and partners, bring customer ideas for new product designs to market earlier, and redesign all kinds of corporate software in Facebook's easy-to-learn style.
    For instance, NyTimes article "How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks" sheds light on fact that Obama's campaign in 2008 used social networking applications under the banner of a movement. "They created an unforeseen force to raise money, organize locally, fight smear campaigns and get out the vote that helped them topple the Clinton machine and then John McCain and the Republicans." This definetly shows how new media is also in Politics.
     Another article called "whats next? your future in social networking" tells the story of an IBM Internet division manger and his beliefs about social media. The manager speaks about how "online social networking is pointing the way to new new forms of communication and that its creating new ways of doing business".
     The benefits a social networking for a business includes the opportunity to facilitates open communication, leading to enhanced information discovery and delivery.It also helps to improve business reputation and client base with minimal use of advertising. If social network did have a darkside it would be that it increases the risk of people falling prey to online scams that seem genuine, resulting in data or identity theft. Another concern migth be the overwhelming sharing aspect of it. Even the most cautious and well-meaning individuals can give away information they should not. It also can cause people to loose touch with reality and real human contact.
     In my opinion, the social network will continue to grow and many more applications and platforms of it will develop in the near future. It time might come where everything we do; from work to play is connected and operated on networks. We are all just waiting for the next big innovation that will send us in to the new social media.  


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